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"People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like." (Lincoln)

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POSC 3243 Religion and politics

A comparative study of religion and politics




Editorial marks (symbols used in grading)

The good and not-so-good news: newstories on religion and politics

Goals & objectives: The Higher Learning Commission, which is the accrediting body for ASU, requires all syllabi to identify learning objectives; so, after completing POSC 3243, where the goal is to provide an undergraduate introduction to the comparative study of religion and politics, students will demonstrate the ability to (1) analyze political processes and outcomes in theoretical terms and (2) carry out a project, appropriate for an undergraduate education, from problem identification through sustained research to the effective presentation of results, including the following substantive skills of being able to (a) distinguish and appropriately employ alternative measures of religiosity; (b) distinguish between the effects of sect and religiosity; (c) recognize and appropriately explain the effects of sect and religiosity on political opinions and behavior; (d) distinguish alternative patterns of "church"-state relations; and (e) explain the impact of context (socio-economic conditions, constitutional arrangements, and patterns of development) on the relationship between religion and politics.



Meeting House & Congregational Church (1802) Windham, VT 30Jul08